From 31st of October to 1st of November, 2024 at the same venue (TUM Science & Study Center, Raitenhaslach).
This workshop investigates the intricate relationship between mass and charge transport and their influence on (electro)chemical reactivity. The coupling between interfacial electrochemistry, homogeneous chemical reactions, and mass and charge transport within a system plays a pivotal role in shaping the underlying chemical processes, ultimately impacting the kinetics and thermodynamics of reactions. Particular focus is placed on systems where concentrations vary from their bulk value and change rapidly over a short distance, creating distinct layers. How do spatiotemporal variations in concentration impact applications in energy conversion and storage? What are the implications for electrocatalysis? By exploring this connection, a nuanced understanding of the fundamental factors governing chemical reactivity coupled to transport phenomena is sought, providing insights into potential applications in various electrochemical systems.
More information: RedoxShield2024
If you decide to stay for the satellite meeting, there is the possibility to stay in the same hotel room for both ECHEMS & RedoxShield events. Additionally, there will be a bus transport from the venue to the airport Munich, if you decide to stay for the RedoxShield event until the 31st of November.