The Kolloidtagung, which is the biannual meeting of the Kolloid-Gesellschaft, (48. Hauptversammlung der Kolloid-Gesellschaft) aims at bringing together scientists from the fields of colloids and polymers. This year, the focus is on multiresponsive colloids and polymers. These may feature rich phase behavior which often is different from the behavior of the building blocks. Self-assembly results in complex structures and can be tuned in many ways, leading to colloidal solutions or gels. Advanced techniques, preferably in-situ, are needed to achieve a detailed understanding. A wealth of applications arise, such as injectable gels or smart coatings.
The Kolloid-Tagung comprises invited talks given by the 2017 awardees of the Kolloid-Gesellschaft, moreover the Springer lecture and other invited talks, given by renowned international and German speakers. Moreover, there will be ample time for submitted talks as well as two poster sessions. A Bavarian Dinner is planned for 10 October 2017. A guided tour of the neutron source Heinz-Maier-Leibnitz-Zentrum is offered in the afternoon of 11 October 2017.
Venue: Technische Universität München, Garching
Scheduled date: 9-11 October 2017, 1 pm to 1 pm