Posters A-D
Posters A: Responsive Systems
Posters B: Polymer Systems
Posters C: Colloids and Particles
Posters D: Foams
In-situ analysis of swelling and exchange kinetics in multi-stimuli responsive PNIPAM based block copolymers
Lucas Kreuzer | TU München | Germany
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Lucas Kreuzer | TU München | Germany
Tobias Widmann | TU München | Germany
Nuri Hohn | TU München | Germany
Kun Wang | TU München | Germany
PhD Jean-François Moulin | Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht | Germany
PhD Viet Hildebrand | Universität Potsdam | Germany
Prof. André Laschewsky | Universität Potsdam | Germany
Prof. Christine M. Papadakis | TU München | Germany
Prof. Peter Müller-Buschbaum | TU München | Germany
Influence of pressure on the aggregation behavior of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) in aqueous solution
Bart-Jan Niebuur | Technische Universität München | Germany
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Bart-Jan Niebuur | Technische Universität München | Germany
Kora-Lee Claude | Germany
Simon Pinzek | Germany
Coleman Cariker | Germany
Junior professor Konstantinos N. Raftopoulos | Germany
PhD Vitaliy Pipich | Germany
PhD Marie-Sousai Appavou | Germany
Prof. Alfons Schulte | Germany
Prof. Christine M. Papadakis | Germany
Swelling and exchange kinetics in PNIPAM microgel thin films probed with in-situ neutron reflectometry
Tobias Widmann | Technische Universität München | Germany
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Tobias Widmann | Technische Universität München | Germany
Lucas Kreuzer | Technische Universität München | Germany
Nuri Hohn | Technische Universität München | Germany
Kun Wang | Technische Universität München | Germany
Lorenz Bießmann | Technische Universität München | Germany
PhD Jean-François Moulin | Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht at MLZ | Germany
Yvonne Hertle | Bielefeld University | Germany
Prof. Thomas Hellweg | Bielefeld University | Germany
Prof. Peter Müller-Buschbaum | Technische Universität München | Germany
Core Shell Microgels in Suspension: Swelling Behavior as Observed by FTIR Spectroscopy
Lars Wiehemeier | Universität Bielefeld | Germany
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Lars Wiehemeier | Universität Bielefeld | Germany
Marian Cors | Germany
Oliver Wrede | Germany
Prof. Thomas Hellweg | Germany
PhD Tilman Kottke | Germany
Alternative acrylamides for microgel synthesis
Yvonne Hertle | Bielefeld University | Germany
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Yvonne Hertle | Bielefeld University | Germany
Jörn Lessmeier | Bielefeld University | Germany
Johanna Galtthor | Bielefeld University | Germany
Lars Wiehemeier | Bielefeld University | Germany
PhD Tilman Kottke | Bielefeld University | Germany
Sergej Kakorin | Bielefeld University | Germany
Prof. Thomas Hellweg | Bielefeld University | Germany
Properties of water-in-oil microemulsions doped with thermo-responsive polymers: First investigations
Kristina Schneider | University of Stuttgart | Germany
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Kristina Schneider | University of Stuttgart | Germany
Prof. Thomas Hellweg | Germany
Oliver Wrede | Germany
PhD Ralf Schweins | Germany
Prof. Thomas Sottmann | Germany
Innovative Carbonate Di-Block Polymers Applied to Nonionic Microemulsions
Shih-Yu Tseng | University of Stuttgart | Germany
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Shih-Yu Tseng | University of Stuttgart | Germany
Lena Kunze | JGU Mainz | Germany
Prof. Holger Frey | JGU Mainz | Germany
Prof. Thomas Sottmann | University of Stuttgart | Germany
Multiresponsive hydrogels from telechelic polyelectrolytes
Chia-Hsin Ko | Technical University of Munich | Germany
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Chia-Hsin Ko | Technical University of Munich | Germany
Prof. Christine M. Papadakis | Technical University of Munich | Germany
Prof. Constantinos Tsitsilianis | University of Patras | Greece
Prof. Costas Patrickios | University of Cyprus | Cyprus
PhD Margarita Dyakonova | Germany
PhD Konstantinos Raftopoulos | Germany
Sandra Gkermpoura | Greece
Intramolecular Complexation in Weakly Interacting Copolymers - Influence of Architecture and Confinement
PhD Stefanie Schneider | RWTH Aachen | Germany
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Pascal Hebbeker | RWTH Aachen | Germany
Alexander Steinschulte | RWTH Aachen | Germany
PhD Felix Plamper | RWTH Aachen | Germany
PhD Stefanie Schneider | RWTH Aachen | Germany
Fluorescent-labeled poly(methacrylic acid) and its interpolyelectrolyte complexes with poly-[3,5-bis(trimethylammoniummethyl)-4-hydroxystyrene iodide]-block-poly(ethylene oxide) in aqueous solution
Anastasiia Murmiliuk | Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science | Czech Republic
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Anastasiia Murmiliuk | Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science | Czech Republic
Sergey Filippov | Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry | Czech Republic
Miroslav Janata | Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry | Czech Republic
Prof. Stergios Pispas | Theoretical & Physical Chemistry Institute | Germany
Junior professor Miroslav Štěpánek | Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science | Germany
Use of Hansen parameters for characterization of dispersibility of carbon black
Titus Sobisch | LUM | Germany
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Titus Sobisch | LUM | Germany
Luis Rodriguez | Dr. Lerche KG | Germany
Sebastian Süß | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg | Germany
Prof. Dietmar Lerche | LUM | Germany
PhD Doris Segets | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg | Germany
Prof. Wolfgang Peukert | FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg | Germany
Patchy Silica Particles via Micro Contact Printing
Marc Zimmermann | Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP | Germany
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Marc Zimmermann | Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP | Germany
PhD Dmitry Grigoriev | Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP | Germany
PhD Nikolay Puretskiy | Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP | Germany
Prof. Alexander Böker | Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP | Germany
Macromolecular HPMA-based nanoparticles with cholesterol for solid-tumor targeting: Behavior in HSA protein environment
PhD Xiaohan Zhang | Germany
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PhD Xiaohan Zhang | Germany
Bart-Jan Niebuur | Germany
Sergey K. Filippov | Czech Republic
Prof. Petr Chytil | Czech Republic
Prof. Tomas Etrych | Czech Republic
Andrey Gruzinov | Germany
D. C. Florian Wieland | Germany
Prof. Dmitri I. Svergun | Germany
Prof. Christine M. Papadakis | Germany
Following slow dynamics of colloidal systems: J-NSE as the instrument of choice
PhD Oxana Ivanova | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Germany
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PhD Oxana Ivanova | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Germany
PhD Stefano Pasini | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Germany
PhD Michael Monkenbusch | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Germany
PhD Olaf Holderer | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Germany
Synthesis of Nanoporous Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials with Adjustable Pore Size
Yaseen Qawasmi | University of Stuttgart | Germany
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Yaseen Qawasmi | University of Stuttgart | Germany
Prof. Thomas Sottmann | University of Stuttgart | Germany
Prof. Joachim Bill | University of Stuttgart | Germany
Prof. Reinhard Strey | University of Cologne | Germany
PhD Petia Atanasova | University of Stuttgart | Germany
PhD Zaklina Burghard | University of Stuttgart | Germany
PhD Lena Grassberger | Germany
PhD Alexander Müller | Germany
Timotheus Jahnke | University of Stuttgart | Germany
Development of a Sample Environment for in-situ Dynamic Light Scattering / Diffusing Wave Spectroscopy in Combination with Small Angle Neutron Scattering for the Investigation of Soft Matter at the European Spallation Source
PhD Andreas Schmid | Bielefeld University | Germany
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PhD Andreas Schmid | Bielefeld University | Germany
PhD Sebastian Jaksch | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Germany
PhD Henrich Frielinghaus | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
PhD Tobias Schrader | Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH | Germany
PhD Harald Schneider | European Spallation Source ESS AB | Germany
Prof. Thomas Hellweg | Bielefeld University | Germany
Laser-processing of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in water: Application in hybrid solar cells
Dr. Volker Körstgens | Technische Universität München | Germany
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Dr. Volker Körstgens | Technische Universität München | Germany
C. Mayr | Technische Universität München | Germany
F. Buschek | Technische Universität München | Germany
PhD H. Iglev | Germany
Prof. R. Kienberger | Germany
Prof. Stephan Roth | KTH-Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden
Prof. Peter Müller-Buschbaum | TU München | Germany
On the colloidal behavior of hybrid inorganic-organic lead halide perovskite precursor solutions and its impact on thin film microstructure
Shambhavi Pratap | Technische Universität München | Germany
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Shambhavi Pratap | Technische Universität München | Germany
Johannes Schlipf | Germany
Prof. Peter Müller-Buschbaum | TU München | Germany