GAMM 2018
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Prof. Daniel Kressner
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Switzerland
  • Presentation Low rank updates and a divide and conquer method for matrix equations Author
    Date: 03-20-2018 , Time: 09:50 am | Topic: S17 | Applied and numerical linear algebra
  • Presentation Krylov subspace methods for low-rank updates of matrix functions Speaker
    Date: 03-21-2018 , Time: 04:30 pm | Topic: S17 | Applied and numerical linear algebra
  • Presentation Incremental computation of the block triangular matrix exponential Author
    Date: 03-21-2018 , Time: 04:50 pm | Topic: S17 | Applied and numerical linear algebra
  • Presentation A fast Cholesky factorization for Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices Author
    Date: 03-22-2018 , Time: 05:50 pm | Topic: S17 | Applied and numerical linear algebra