Abstract Submission
The submission of abstracts for the Botanikertagung in Munich is now finished.
Deadline for abstract submission was: 10th July 2015.
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
- Please create your own account under "Author sign up". You will
then receive an email containing your access key. Please note that the
email with your personal access key could also find its way into your
junk or spam box. If you did not receive any notification by email
after 60 minutes, please write an email to support@converia.de. - Please log in with your access key and your email. You will now be
able to submit an abstract under "Abstract Submission" by following
the indicated steps. - Please indicate whether an oral presentation is preferred and which session(s) would fit best.
- Please note that the Converia firm is in charge of the layout and
format of the abstracts. - After successful abstract submission you will receive a
confirmation email; please check your junk or spam box in case you fail to do so. - You may now log in any time to submit more abstracts or to make
changes to abstracts already submitted latest by 10th July 2015. - Please note that the scientific committee reviews the abstracts and that
oral presentations will be selected by end of July.
Instructions for abstract submission
- Please adhere to the limit of 1,200 characters for an abstract
(including references, including spaces) without names of the authors and
abstract title. - Presenting/corresponding authors will be informed by email as to
whether or not the abstract was accepted and what session it was assigned to. - Presentation on site should be held in English.
- Once the abstract is approved, presenting authors commit themselves
to attending the congress. Registration is obligatory and implies payment of registration fees as indicated.
List of topics
Topic Interactions with the environment
1.1 Abiotic Interactions
1.2 Biotic Interactions
Topic Cell Biology
2.1 Cell Biology 1
2.2 Cell Biology 2
Topic Development
3.1 Development 1
3.2 Development 2
Topic Evolution and Ecology
4.1 Evolution
4.2 Ecology
Topic New Technologies and Biotechnology
5.1 New Technologies
5.2 Biotechnology
Topic Metabolism
6.1 Primary Metabolism
6.2 Secondary Metabolism
Topic Crop Plants
7.1 Crop Plants 1
7.2 Crop Plants 2
Topic Emerging model systems
8.1 Algae
8.2 Trees
Topic Systematics and Biodiversity
9.1 Systematics
9.2 Biodiversity
Topic Workshops
10.1 Quality improvement of plant derived commodities
10.2 Non-seed plants as evo-devo models
10.3 Tools and approaches to study Chlamydomonas
10.4 Chromosomal and biogeographic evolutionary patterns in plants
10.5 Evolution of the biodiversity of algae
10.6 Enzymes and genes in plant specialized metabolism
10.7 Next Generation Sequencing in evolution and ecology