Although understanding and avoiding of thermoacoustic instabilities is of equally outstanding relevance in the design of gas turbine combustors as well as rocket engines, two almost separate research networks have evolved around these two industries. Both have developed their respective research strategies and methodologies. A first step to bring together the two research branches was successfully undertaken with the 2016 Symposium at TUM. In order to further stimulate the exploitation of potential synergies, the 2021 Symposium again attempts to provide a forum for specialists from all related industries and their academic counterparts.
Anticipated benefits are discussions on and exchanges of practical experiences, experimental and analytical methods, physical interpretations, and future visions in the field of combustion dynamics. Invited speakers from both industry and research groups will present their specific views on key topics of current thermoacoustic research. Topics to be covered:
With the current uncertainties due to the Covid-19 pandemia the symposium’s framework is planned as a five day virtual event from September 6th to September 10th with live presentations (video replay as an option) followed by live Q&A.
Each virtual session will start with an invited talk from an expert from industry or academia followed by two slots with 3-4 paper presentations each. Of the unexpectedly large number of extended abstracts submitted, 68 from 12 countries were accepted. This high number will require two parallel tracks of presentations throughout the week. In order to cope with the different time zones sessions will start at 1 pm and end between 6 pm and 7 pm Central European Time (CEST).
The proceedings of the symposium will be made available to all registrants in electronic form.
All SoTiC 2021 registrants will have the oportunity of recommending two best papers on the basis of outstanding writing quality, a high degree of originality, and an unusual contribution to science and engineering. Both awards are endowed with 500€ each. The Best Fundamental Paper Award recognizes the publication with the greatest contribution to fundamental understanding in the field of thermoacoustics, and the Best Technical Paper Award recognizes the publication with the greatest technical relevance of all papers submitted to SoTiC 2021.
Selected papers presented at the symposium will be published in a special issue of the International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics after peer review.
Registration fee: 100.- €