On the following pages you can register for OCIP 2016, which will be hosted by the Technical University of Munich, Germany.
Optimization and inverse problems belong to the fastest growing areas in applied mathematics in the last decades. On one hand, groundbreaking achievements in the field of numerical solution techniques for differential and integral equations have enabled the simulation of highly complex real world scenarios, thus the logical next step is the optimization of these systems or the identification of quantities inaccessible to direct observations.
On the other hand, the increasing number of innovative techniques, e.g., in medical imaging or in industrial processing results in a need for enhanced optimization and identification methods. Motivated by the obvious close methodological relation between optimization and identification, the aim of this workshop is bringing together people developing and analyzing numerical methods for these kinds of problems. Moreover, we wish to stimulate discussions on mathematical and computational challenges, which are arising in new applications ranging from geophysics to medical imaging.
The workshop is kindly supported by the