
Submission has closed on 31 March 2024.

To submit, please click on the button "new submission" provided in your EARLI account ( and select SIG 03 Conference. If you do not have an EARLI account yet, you need to create one.

Submission Types

  • Individual Paper (empirical, theoretical)
    20-min presentation followed by a 10-min discussion
  • Symposium
    3–4 thematically related presentations (15 min each) and a discussant (10 min) from at least two different countries
  • Interactive Session (e.g., Roundtable, ICT Demonstration, Panel Discussion)
    90-min sessions, the structure defined by the organizers
  • Poster
    90-min session
  • Presentation in Junior Research Feedback Session (during Summer School)
    15-min presentation plus 15-min feedback by experienced researchers. Presentations can include PhD projects, project plans, work in progress

Required Submission Information

Regardless of the submission type, we ask you to provide an abstract (100–250 words) for inclusion in the abstract booklet and an extended summary (600–1000 words, including references) for the reviewing process. Please also choose four keywords from a drop-down menu. If you need to include graphs or complex tables, you may upload them as attachments.

Organizers of a symposium should submit an abstract and extended summary for each paper, and a general abstract for the symposium as a whole (max 250 words). Please select “new symposium” when starting the submission process.

Please note that authors can be presenting authors for at most two presentations.

When submitting, you will be asked whether you would be willing to participate in the review process as a reviewer of up to four submissions. We highly appreciate your support of the review process.

Review criteria for all types of submissions

For empirical research, the extended abstract should include a clear statement of the research questions motivated by a brief review of the relevant literature, a description of the research methodology, a summary of the main research findings, and a conclusion pointing out the significance of the research findings with possible implications for theory and practice.

For theoretical research, the extended abstract should include a clear statement of the theoretical problem motivated by a brief review of the relevant literature, an account of the theoretical proposal being made clarifying the novel contribution of this particular study, and a conclusion that addresses implications of this work for further theory development and/or implications for practice.

Review criteria

  • Relevance to the domain of conceptual change or learning with digital media
  • Theoretical framework, conceptual rationale or pragmatic grounding
  • Research method and design (research questions, context, participants, data sources, sampling, procedure)
  • Overall quality and scientific originality