Registration Fees MH2S 2024

Welcome to the Munich Hydrogen Symposium 2024 where innovation meets collaboration on the global stage!

To ensure the success and quality of our upcoming MH2S 2024, there is a registration fee associated with attending the event. We believe that an investment in this symposium is an investment in knowledge, innovation, and valuable networking opportunities.

We offer an exclusive Early Bird pricing for our upcoming event. Register before May 31st, 2024, and take advantage of the special rate of 499€. This limited-time offer is a fantastic opportunity to join the event at a discounted price.

Registration Details:

Early Bird

499€* (available until May 31, 2024)



Late Bird

699€* (after August 31, 2024)

Conference Dinner


Technical Tours

free of charge
*Tax-exempt according to § 4 No. 22a UStG (German VAT Act) **incl. 19% VAT.
Do not miss out on this chance to save on your registration fee. Act fast, as this special offer is valid for a limited time only.

We look forward to welcoming you to the MH2S 2024 and sharing valuable insights and experiences!

To register for the conference, a button in the menu on the left will be available from March 18th, 2024. Please note that all conference prices are tax-exempt due to §4 No. 22a UStG.