Welcome Message from the Conference Chair


Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the TORQUE 2016 Organizing Committee, I am honored and delighted to welcome you to the 2016 edition of the Science of Making Torque from Wind Conference.

The European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE) first organized TORQUE in 2004 in Delft. That initiative gave a fundamental stimulus to the birth of a new scientific community, highly focused and specifically dedicated to wind energy science. After the very successful events in Copenhagen (2007), Crete (2010), Oldenburg (2012) and Copenhagen again (2014), TORQUE has become the main scientific conference series in wind energy worldwide. A vibrant and very active international community comes to TORQUE to hear about new progress, to exchange ideas and ultimately to shape new directions where research will be going in the future. TORQUE is also a place where academia meets industry, creating that crucial collaboration that has allowed wind energy to become the leader among renewables and one of the key players in de-carbonization.

TORQUE 2016 has been organized by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) following in the footsteps of the previous editions. We have an extremely interesting technical program, with 142 oral presentations and 167 posters. All papers have been grouped in ten thematic sessions. The program is enriched by a plenary historical talk given by one of the pioneers of wind energy in the USA, and by a plenary roundtable where leaders from industry and academia will discuss the future needs of scientific research in wind energy. Social events have been organized to let you relax while enjoying Munich and the Bavarian hospitality, providing at the same time additional opportunities for networking with your fellow wind energy colleagues. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy the conference as much as we enjoyed organizing it.

TORQUE has been made possible only by the dedication of a large number of individuals. In particular, I wish to recognize the work of the Session Editors, who have lead the organization of the ten thematic sessions. In addition, over 150 reviewers helped ensure the quality of the papers. The Technical Organizing Committee has done a fantastic job and has worked hard on all organizational aspects of the conference. The TUM Local Organizing Committee and the whole TUM community have supported us with enthusiasm in the initiative of bringing TORQUE to Munich. Finally, GE Global Research, the German Research Foundation (DFG) and EAWE have supported the conference financially, helping us limit the registration fees. Thank you to all, the conference could not have been organized without your contribution.

Welcome to Munich and enjoy TORQUE 2016!




Carlo L. Bottasso
Conference Chair of TORQUE 2016