The Science of Making Torque from Wind (TORQUE 2016)

The sixth edition of the international conference “The Science of Making Torque from Wind” (TORQUE 2016) is this year’s main forum for discussion and technical exchanges on the most recent advances in the field of wind energy science.

  • One of the largest conferences in wind energy in 2016, offering countless opportunities for networking.

  • Technical program: 10 technical sessions142 oral presentations and 167 posters (the program is available here). The technical sessions are organized by leading experts in the field, and all papers have been subjected to a two-stage peer-review process (review of both abstracts and full papers).

    A. Aerodynamics and noise J. Sørensen (DTU) 
    S. Ivanell (Uppsala University)
    B. Wind, wakes, turbulence and wind farms J. Meyers (KU Leuven)
    J. Peinke (IWES Fraunhofer
    C. Aeroservoelasticity, loads, structures and materials G. van Kuik (TUDelft)
    M.H. Hansen (DTU) 
    D. Control and supporting technologies J.-W. van Wingerden (TUDelft)
    E. Bossanyi (DNV GL) 
    E. Design and systems engineering K. Dykes (NREL)
    T. Chaviaropoulos (NTUA)
    F. Measurement, monitoring and experimental techniques M. Kühn (ForWind-OL)
    J. Mann (DTU)
    G. Modeling and simulation technology F. Porté-Agel (EPFL)
    J. Jonkman (NREL) 
    H. Offshore wind energy M. Muskulus (NTNU)
    P. Schaumann (ForWind-LUH)
    I. New concepts and configurations P.W. Cheng (Universität Stuttgart)
    D.T. Griffith (Sandia)
    J. Drive trains, generator technology and grids R. De Doncker (RWTH-Aachen)
    A. Natarajan (DTU)


  • Social events in unique locations in and around Munich will take place every evening during the conference.

  • When and where: from the 5th to the 7th of October, 2016 at Technische Universität München (TUM), Campus Garching (Garching bei München).


Conference Secretariat
Wind Energy Institute, Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstraße 15, 85748 Garching bei München, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)89 289 16677

Organized by the Wind Energy Institute under the auspices of the
european academy of wind energy