Please check when and where your presentation will take place. The detailed conference program will be available here.
At Kolloid-Tagung, the time slot for invited talks is 40 min including Q&A and for contributed talks 20 min including Q&A.
At the FCS Workshop, the time slot for invited talks is 50 min including Q&A and for contributed talks 20 min including Q&A.
Please adjust the length of your talk and the number of slides to stay within the allowed time limit. Session chairs will strictly enforce the respect of the schedule.
A video projector and a PC will be available in all conference rooms. The use of personal laptops is discouraged.
Presentations must be loaded on the PC of the conference room well before the beginning of the session. Please avoid loading your slides just before your talk, because this will shorten the time available for your presentation.
Bring your presentations on a USB memory stick. Staff will be present in the rooms at all times during the conference to help you load and check your presentation.
Presentations should be in PDF or PowerPoint format.
Standard format is 4:3, although 16:9 will also be supported.
The PCs provided in each conference room will be equipped with the following software:
Operating System: MS Windows 10
MS Office 2016 Professional (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (Vers. 2015.017.20050)
MS Windows Media Player (Vers. 12.0.10011.16384)
VLC Media Player (Vers. 2.2.4)
Quick Time Player (Vers. Please make sure that your presentation is compatible with this software configuration to avoid technical problems.
Introduce yourself to the session chairperson before the beginning of the session. Please make sure that the chairperson knows how to pronounce your name.
Poster Presentations
Please check when and where your poster presentation will take place.
At Kolloid-Tagung, there are two poster sessions:
Monday 14:50-16:50: Posters A, B, C and D.
Tuesday 14:10-16:10: Posters E, F and G.
At the FCS Workshop, there is one poster session: Wednesday, 16:10-17:20.
The detailed conference program is available here.
In the session, note the number assigned to your poster, which is found in the Abstract Booklet. You will need this tag to find where to hang your poster. Authors should hang their posters only in their assigned locations.
Posters must be printed in portrait ISO A0 size or smaller. Posters larger than this size or in landscape layout will exceed the available space on the poster boards.
Please choose font sizes that are easily readable from a distance, and a style that is visually appealing and clear.
Please print the poster and bring it with you to the conference. Unfortunately we cannot provide printing services on site.
You will be responsible for mounting your own poster. Please mount your poster at the beginning of the poster session and remove it at the end of the poster session. Posters left up after the session will be discarded.
Material for mounting your poster will be provided at the conference.
Presenters should be available next to their posters during the entire duration of their poster session, to discuss their work with interested viewers.
Best Poster Award. The best poster shown at Kolloid-Tagung will be recognized with the “Kolloid-Tagung Best Poster Award” during the Conference Dinner. The award is kindly donated by Springer-Verlag.