Oral Presentations
Each oral presentation is allocated a 15 minute slot. Actual presentations must not exceed 12 minutes leaving 3 minutes for questions. Timing will be strictly enforced. Please make sure that you have rehearsed the timing of your talk beforehand. Each of oral presentations will also have an associated poster presentation, therefore, additional details can be given at that time.
Criteria for selecting papers for oral/poster presentation included the contents of the reviews and the recommendations of the secondary PC members. We emphasize that the 36 papers selected for oral presentations are not necessarily the best 36 papers of MICCAI 2015; many excellent papers were selected for poster presentation. However, we believe that oral papers have an important role in determining the overall scientific tone and quality of the conference. Particularly good oral presentations should represent a selection of high calibre papers across the field, which are best exposed to the community through the podium. They should be particularly well presented so as to experience emphasizing on their relevance to the state of art, their novelty, timeliness, and wider potential impact. They have to be prepared and presented with particular care.
To maximize the quality of the event and in order to assist authors in preparing the best oral presentation, this year we have introduced an additional phase. We request that speakers upload by Aug 3rd 2015 the full presentation of their work taking into account the criteria outlined above. Subsequently, the presentation will be reviewed by members of the Program Committee who are familiar with the field and authors will receive concrete feedback to improve the presentation. The final version of the presentation should be uploaded by Sep 15th 2015.
Attention: Oral papers have been notified via email already. If you have not received an email about this, it means your paper is a poster. Schedule of oral talks can be found under "Program" on the left menu.
The preferred formats are PowerPoint and Adobe PDF. Computers with Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010 will be available for the oral presentations. Presenters will be required to use the conference system to minimize setup time.
Poster Presentations
All accepted papers will be presented as posters at the conference. The posters will stay up throughout the three days of the main conference. During the assigned poster session, one of the authors must present the paper at the poster. The posters may be mounted starting at 8am on Tuesday, October 6th. The posters must be taken down on Thursday, October 8th, between 4pm and 7pm. Posters left behind by presenters will be discarded.
The preferred poster size of MICCAI 2015 is A0 portrait, maximum poster size is 90cm (width) x 120cm (height). The conference will supply materials for mounting the posters. MICCAI 2015 logo is available here and could be helpful in preparing your poster.
Parallel Short Oral Talks on Monday October 5th, 2015
This year, for the first time, we offer all papers accepted as poster presentation the opportunity of presenting the work in a 5-minute talk in addition to the regular poster sessions. These talks are organized in eleven parallel sessions setting the stage for further scientific discussions during the poster sessions of the main single-track conference.
All short oral talks will happen after the satellite events on Monday in the conference hotel Holiday Inn.
Complete list of papers to be presented in each session can be found in the final program of MICCAI 2015.