2015-10-29: Short video links of all 263 papers are added to the website. Please check the poster program pages to access the short videos.
2015-10-09: MICCAI 2015 is over. Thank you all for attending MICCAI 2015 in Munich, we wish it was a memorable experience for you. See you next year in Istanbul.
2015-10-06: MICCAI 2015 Main Conference Proceedings are available for download.
2015-10-05: MICCAI 2015 in Munich has started with satellite events.
2015-10-04: Early-Registration in Holiday Inn is open today until 8 PM. Come and pick up your badge and transportation ticket for Munich City Area today.
2015-09-14: The Nightwatch Tour is fully booked! If you are still interested and committed in joining, please sign up on the waiting list.
2015-08-01: Due to numerous requests, early bird registration deadline is extended for two days, so that the deadline is not over the weekend. New deadline is August 3rd, 2015 11:59 PM PST.
2015-07-29: Tentative oral program is online.
2015-07-22: Tentative schedule is online.
2015-07-07: We are working on the initial quality check of the proceedings and are contacting authors about problems with the paper. Contact authors of accepted papers: please check your email!
2015-06-08: It took longer than planned but finally we started to contact winners of travel awards by email. You might receive an email about this in the following two days.
2015-05-28: Student travel awards will be announced next week.
2015-05-19: Notification letters are sent to the remaining papers.
2015-05-05: Second round of decisions are sent to authors. If you did not receive an email today, your paper is still being reviewed. The decision of remaining papers will be finalized at the PC meeting.
2015-04-22: Registration for MICCAI is opened.
2015-04-20: Rebuttals are due by Thursday April 23rd, 2015 11:59 PM PST.
2015-04-17: Reviews and early decisions are sent to authors. Check your email!
2015-03-11: Call for Data for Endoscopic Vision Challenge is posted online.
2015-03-11: Supplementary material deadline is over and submission system is closed.
2015-03-09: By the final paper submission deadline 80% of the early abstract submissions turned into 8-page full papers. Thank you!
2015-02-28: Early submission deadline is over. We received 1020 early submissions! Thank you all!
Final submission deadline is March 6th, 2015 11:59 PM PST. So hurry up! You have only one week left to finish the writing.
2015-02-19: Would you like to be a reviewer for MICCAI 2015? You can find the details here.
2015-02-13: The decisions for the program committee of MICCAI 2015 are finalized. We went through all the applications and tried to get a balance between seniority, regional representations and fields of expertise. 33 out of 46 applicants were invited to be in the program committee. Furthermore, two senior applicants were not eligible this year due to the 5-year rule. Many thanks for your applications and we hope for your continuous involvement in the event.
2015-02-12: Paper submission system is opened. Follow the link to submit your paper.
2015-02-05: Paper submission system will be opened next week.
2015-01-26: We received many satellite event proposals and are trying to reserve more rooms than initially planned to be able to host more events. Therefore the preliminary decisions about the satellite event proposals will be reported back to the event organizers earliest on Thursday January 29th.
2015-01-07: Paper submission and reviewing guidelines are online. Submission deadline is approaching. Are you planning to submit a paper to MICCAI 2015? Do not forget to check the submission guidelines
2014-12-15:Thank you for applying for the program committee. We received 46 applications in total. MICCAI 2015 program chairs will carefully evaluate your applications and eventually contact you in the following days. We will announce the program committee latest by January 12th, 2015.
2014-12-03: Booking codes / links for all of our conference hotels are online. Please note that every offer has different validity, different booking options and also strict or flexible cancellation policies. Please check the Accommodation section for details.
2014-11-11: Call for Applications to join the Program Committee is online. The deadline for applications is December 12th, 2014. Please click here for further details.
2014-11-04: Call for workshop, tutorial and challenge proposals is online. The deadline for submitting a proposal is January 12th, 2015. Please click here for further details.
2014-09-15: Call for papers is online. Please note that there are three important dates for submission and there will be no extension of deadlines. For further details, click here.
2014-09-15: MICCAI 2015 website is open. We look forward to receiving your paper submissions and welcoming everyone in Munich in October 2015.