CAMP - Computer Aided Medical Procedures
Research portfolio
- Computer Aided Interventions
- Robotic Imaging
- Knowledge-based Process Modelling
- Nano-to-macro Image Analysis
- Medical Augmented Reality
- Medical Computer Vision
Key personel
- Nassir Navab
- Stefanie Demirci
- Tingying Peng
- Diana Mateus
- Tobias Lasser
- Amin Katouzian
- Pascal Fallavollita
- Benjamin Frisch
- Maximilian Baust
Selected publications
- Online Tracking of Interventional Devices for Endovascular Aortic Repair (D. Volpi, M. H. Sarhan, R. Ghotbi, N. Navab, D. Mateus, S. Demirci), IJCARS 10(6):773-781, 2015 (doi)
- Recognizing Multiple Human Activities and Tracking Full-Body Pose in Unconstrained Environments (L. Schwarz, D. Mateus, N. Navab), Pattern Recognition 45: 11-23, 2012 (doi)
- Towards personalized interventional SPECT-CT imaging (J. Gardiazabal, M. Esposito, P. Matthies, A. Okur, J. Vogel, S. Kraft, B. Frisch, T. Lasser, N. Navab), MICCAI 2014 (doi)
- Leveraging Random Forests for Interactive Exploration of Large Histological Images (L. Peter, D. Mateus, P. Chatelain, N. Schworm, S. Stangl, G. Multhoff, N. Navab) MICCAI 2014 (doi)
- Predicate-based Focus-and-Context Visualization for 3D Ultrasound (C. Schulte zu Berge, M. Baust, A. Kapoor, N. Navab), IEEE Trans Vis Comp Graphics 20(12): 2379 - 2387, 2014 (doi)
Computer Aided Medical Procedures
Institut f. Informatik 16
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München